Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Photo Credit (Clockwise): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Hey there, hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day weekend!

It's officially September, fall is on the move, and I'm totally ready to swap out my shorts for sweaters. These last few weeks of the seasons transitioning always makes me so happy. I've got my fall bucket list ready and I can't wait for the leaves to start changing, for the crisp, autumn air, and to spend time enjoying my favorite season in His creation. I only wish that fall weather lasted longer in Minneapolis. Fingers crossed!

I will most definitely be making a trip to the apple orchard and making apple crisp, consuming all things pumpkin (PSL, I'm waiting for you!), and catching up on all my favorite shows. Who's ready for Walking Dead and the Shonda-land lineup to come back?

And lastly, the start of fall means I'm officially moving into my new apartment! I've spent a few days here and there getting ready and packing up what I can for now because I'm so antsy and just want to move already! But I still have a few more weeks until I can move into the new place, so I'll keep you posted along the way.

Plus, lots of exciting things I'm going share with you in the next couple of months here on the blog too. Eeek! :)

Are you still trying to soak up the last of summer or are you ready for fall to takeover?



  1. What a great list! I'm with you, I wish the fall season would last just a little longer :)

    xo, Laura

    1. Thanks! We've been having great fall weather lately, so I'm hoping it lasts :)

      P.S. Love your blog!
