Friday, September 4, 2015

What To Do This Labor Day

First of all, I cannot believe that Labor Day weekend is already here! Where is the time going and how can we slow it down? Since it basically snuck up on me, I literally have no plans whatsoever. If you're in the same boat as I am, try one of these ideas this weekend! There's a good mix of things to do if you need a little "me" time or if you wanna hang with your friends and family.

Image via Death to the Stock Photo

I've been reading this book for my book club and am totally hooked, so I plan on finishing that his weekend. And also maybe watching a few more episodes of this new TV show. Who else is watching this right now? So good! I definitely want to try and visit the farmer's market to pick up the last of the summer fruits and veggies. And there are a ton of parks in Minneapolis that host movie nights, which sounds like a fun way to unwind and relax.

Whatever you end up doing, I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend. Happy Friday!


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