Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Finds: No. 8

This week has kind of kept me busy (in a good way), which is probably why I can't believe it's already Friday today! But those are the best kinds of weeks, am I right?

I popped into Askov Finlayson and picked up a couple of treats for myself: this adorable hat and this delicious, (incredibly overpriced), but beautifully packaged chocolate bar. Our old office used to be right across the street, so probably a good thing we moved a few blocks away. Out of sight, out of mind.

Also, inside of Askov, they had Warby Parker too, which housed shelves upon shelves of gorgeous eyewear. I'm eyeing up (GET IT? Heh. Heh.) the Jackson shades in the tortoise shell finish. I think they might actually be men's sunglasses, but still loving them.

I met up with friend over dinner this week and we both left with our Thai food fix cured. The green curry from Joy's Pattaya is so delicious, I could've licked the bowl clean. Don't worry, I didn't though. Boundaries.

"IT'S MIMES, IT'S MIMES!" I know Halloween has been over for a while, but I can't stop laughing at these haunted house videos that Ellen posts every year. This one is by far my favorite, enjoy! :)

Happy Friday, friends.


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