Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Finds: No. 6

Oh, hey there. And happy Friday! Can you believe it's already the end of October? Seriously, shut the front door. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. I feel like I'm constantly saying that nowadays, but it's true. It even snowed here on Wednesday! Not cool, Minne. Not. Cool. 

Well, because it's getting colder out, apparently all I can think about it comfort food and warm drinks. Hence the food edition of my (somewhat) weekly Friday Finds post. So let's dive in.

Has anyone else tried Chobani Flip? I picked these up on a whim (okay, and they were on sale) while I was on a Target run and oh mah goodness. SO. GOOD. I tried Salted Caramel Crunch and Chocolate Haze Craze. Mmm, mmm. So yummy and a healthier alternative for a [rare] post-workout treat. :)

Lately, I've been seeing a ton of posts on Instagram of this incredibly cute diner called Eggy's. Apparently, there's already one in Chicago and the menu looks spot on. I'm eyeing up the Chicken and Waffles or the Eggy's Benedict. Hoping to check it out soon!

I've been on a baking kick recently and tried what I think is one of the best brownie recipes ever last night. If you're getting a serious chocolate craving, take some advice from Mr. Alton Brown circa early 2000's and try this recipe. #isbutteracarb #toodelicioustocare

FINALLYYY. THE TACO EMOJI IS HERE. Enough said. And I was pretty happy to see a new pizza emoji too. *Insert clapping emoji*

Guys, I have a confession to make. I've been cheating on Starbucks PSL with a new drink. Gasp! It's Caribou's Pumpkin Chai Latte. But there's enough room in my stomach heart for both of them, so it's okay. (This homemade version looks delish too.)

Does this not look like the perfect, homey meal? I stumbled across this recipe for Chicken Piccata on Valérie's blog and have been dying to make this ever since. Might need to make it this weekend. The craving is getting harder to fight.

And I almost forgot... HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Whatever your plans are, stay warm and have a great weekend. See you Monday, peeps. :)


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