Friday, June 12, 2015

Jumping On That Podcast Bandwagon...

I don't know about you, but I kinda feel like podcasts are having a moment right now. Instead of playing that Friends episode for the millionth time on Netflix for some background noise, you can throw on a podcast and listen to something equally, if not more entertaining. All while getting to check things off your to-do list that you never thought you'd get around to. I love a productive multi-tasking sesh. #typeAforlife. But actually, my favorite time to listen to podcasts is when I'm driving. It's perfect for making time go by faster during your morning and evening commute. 

Here are a few of my current favorites that have caught my attention and sometimes makes me wish there was more traffic. Crazy, I know.

If you made it to the end of this post, thanks for sticking around! I hope my two cents didn't bore you to tears and hopefully you'll give some of these podcasts a go. (:

Do you listen to any podcasts? What are your favorite podcasts to listen to?

Leave a comment and give me some new listening material!


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