Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Swedish Weekend

I've lived in Minnesota for a total of 10+ years and there are still so many places I haven't visited. One of my friends is going to be teaching in Sweden for the next two years and we thought it would be really fun to have a Swedish-filled day since there is so much Scandinavian influence around here.

And what's more Swedish than Ikea! Wink. We made a quick trip and picked up a few things, which mostly ended up contributing to my plant addiction. Plus, stay tuned... I see a few DIY projects coming your way with a few of the things I bought!

Afterwards, we visited the American Swedish Institute and toured the Turnblad Mansion. Neither of us had been, and it did not disappoint. The mansion was absolutely stunning. I love, love, loved all of the beautiful architecture and Swedish furnishings. My favorite room was the kitchen– gorgeous marble and beautiful tiles... the minimalist chic vibes were flowing. I'm telling you, this kitchen was of Pinterest dreams. Swoon. Insert heart-eyed emoji here.

Once we finished exploring, we got a couple of cold press coffees at Fika and just enjoyed the beautiful weather. Oh, and I almost forgot! If you're ever there, you have to try the Swedish almond cake! It was so good that I want to try making it at home. Amazeballs. And yes, I did just say amazeballs.

I had so much fun this weekend exploring a new part of Minneapolis and it makes me love this city even more.

What's your favorite spot in Minneapolis?

Leave a comment below so I can add it to my list of places to see!


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